About Me

In 2011 I enlisted into the military. I'd like to say my main motivation was because I wanted to serve my country or be a part of something bigger than myself. That was part of it, but it wasn't what gave me the burning desire to take the oath.

My biggest motivation was to prove my boyfriend wrong. I mentioned to him one night that I was considering joining.
His response:
"You don't have what it takes to be a soldier."
I enlisted three days later.

When the going gets tough...

Going through basic training and my military career school was tough. I was usually the last person during group runs and was not physically prepared for training. Even so, I never gave up. I had something to prove. I went on to graduate as Honor Grad from military career school as a Blackhawk Helicopter Mechanic.

Achieving Success

Joining the military taught me a very valuable lesson. The only thing holding me back from succeeding at anything was myself.
The key to my success was knowing how to ask the right questions and challenging myself to exceed standards.

Helping Businesses Succeed

Though my military career is over I use the same lesson for success to help businesses reach their online goals. By asking the right questions and exceeding standards. I work with business owners to discover what drives them in their business, develop SMART goals, and create a strategy to meet or surpass their goals.

Make Your Business Stand Out

All of us are unique. Many of us have strengths we don't even realize. I work with my clients to discover what sets their business apart from the competition. Together we discover their story, then use it to attract and engage customers to build a profitable online presence.

Let's use what sets your business apart to help meet your goals!

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Jessica Flannery, GOFOcopy Owner